Infrared Thermometers: Cleaning & Storage

5 min read
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Thermomètres Infrarouges : Nettoyage & Stockage

This is the second blog post in our series on infrared thermometers in three parties. We have released the first article on the use of infrared thermometers. Now let's talk about storage a you cleaning of your infrared thermometer.


  1. Use a chiffon soft humid or one Q-tip with the water only on plastic lenses. Do not use Never of Savon or products chemicals.

  2. Wipe thoroughly the zone of the lens first, then corps of the thermometer.

  3. Leave her lens dry completely before using the thermometer.

  4. Yes never overwhelm no part of your thermometer infrared in a liquid.

Thermomètre infrarouge


Thermometers infrared have to be exempts of dirt, moisture, of fog, of smoke and of debris. If any of these conditions are present, a different style of thermometer, such as a surface temperature probe or non-infrared thermometer, should be used. We recommend storing your infrared thermometer between 4°C and 50°C, protecting it from extreme temperatures.

Take care to protect your infrared thermometer from drops or impacts, as this can damage the instrument's housing, lens, and infrared sensor, affecting the accuracy of its readings. Many of our instruments have protective boots and stands available for purchase that will help protect them from damage.

Particular care should be taken to keep the infrared lens or aperture clean and free of debris.

Inspect the lens regularly and only clean it when necessary. A clean lens is essential to ensure accurate readings, but excessive cleaning can damage the lens.

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