5 Common Food Safety Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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5 erreurs courantes en matière de sécurité alimentaire et comment les éviter

Compliance with regulations HACCP food safety East essential to guarantee the food you serve to your customers. So that they are both safe and consistently high quality, as well as fundamental to legally protect your business with recordings accurate. As with a number of businesses in the restaurant industry, the same errors arise many times repeats. here are some common mistakes in terms of food safety that we have observed and how the avoid.

Testing the Accuracy of a Thermometer with a Poorly Made Ice Bath

When ice beautiful in a container of water, the temperature difference between the water at the top and bottom of the container can reach 12°C. In a well-made ice bath, the ice must rest on the bottom of the container and the water level at the top must be slightly lower at ice level. When you take your test, you must stir the mixture. Then let it sit for a minute before stirring the thermometer. If the test has been done correctly and that your infrared thermometer is correctly calibrated. It should read in the declared accuracy specifications of your device to 0,0 °C.

Using an Infrared Thermometer to Test Internal Temperatures

Infrared thermometers only measure the temperature of surface of an object. Therefore, you cannot use a infrared thermometer to check that any food is at a safe temperature. Indeed, the centre of the cooked food cools to a different speed from that of the surface.

Do not stir food before measuring its temperature

Temperature differences within the same environment are called "gradients". Gradients exist in fours, THE refrigerators and the solid foods like the vegetables and the chicken. The same goes for the liquids And semi-liquid like salsa and soup. Whether cooked or cooled, different parties food warm up and this cool Has different rhythms. If you insert a probe thermometer into a liquid that has sat all morning, before stirring, you measure maybe the temperature of one cold spot or a hotspot and you'll never know which one.

For an accurate reading of a liquid or a semi-liquid, stir mix carefully before measure on temperature because this will equalize the gradients and will bring it to a more uniform temperature. he is also advantageous to stir the probe of your thermometer in the food while you take their temperature.


Not measuring the correct part of a food

Due to temperature gradients, you must measure the centre or the part the thickest of a solid food with your thermometer. This can be a challenge with dial thermometers (whose sensor is up to two inches long). But also for the slow digital thermometers (which take more than 5 seconds to reach an accurate reading). But with a fast digital thermometer and precise, you can locate the center by pushing the probe to through food. And those until you find the lowest number when cooking or the highest number when cooling.

Another common mistake is to pose a pointe probe at the bottom of a casserole or a food container. Rather than hanging it medium of a liquid. Even if the liquid was correctly agitated! Lat the temperature of the pan can affect reading of a probe placed on its surface.

Using paper HACCP records when so many digital solutions are available

The outfit of HACCP paper records takes time to complete. It is difficult to navigate and at the same time not very practical And unreliable to store. We stock a number of data loggers, such as the Saf-T-Log.They eliminate the need for paper logbooks while providing clear data archive, precise And reliable.

With our recorders WiFi ThermaData, for example, temperatures will automatically be taken at scheduled intervals And transmitted to your device worldwide. So that actions corrective measures can be carried out immediately wherever you are.

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