FAQ on thermometry

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FAQ sur la thermométrie

FAQ on food temperature

Why do I get different results when I test my food in different places?


Because the temperature of the food may be different depending on the locations at the same time. It is not uncommon for the internal temperature of a large roast or turkey varies between 10 and 15 ° C throughout the cooking of meat or poultry. Even a boneless steak or chest of chicken can have differences from several degrees when you move the point of the probe from your thermometer from the surface to the center of the piece, or from one end to the other, depending on the speed and precision of your thermometer.

My thermometer tells me the desired temperature but my steak is still too cooked, why?


Remember that the meat will continue to cook once removed from the heat. This is called "rest". The cooked meat must be able to "rest" after cooking and before being cut. This allows juices to be reabsorbed in meat fibers. If you do not rest the meat, you will lose more juice when the meat is cut. The temperature of the meat will always continue to climb a little during the rest period. As a rule, even a small steak or a piece of chicken cooked individually will increase by at least three or four degrees at rest. A larger roast or turkey can go up to ten to fifteen degrees depending on the conditions. You should therefore remove your meat from the oven or grill before reaching the target temperature.

What precautions should I take when I grill with a thermometer?


Never leave a thermometer inside an oven, a grill, a smoker or a microwave during cooking, unless it is specially designed for this purpose. Do not leave your thermometer on the grill hood or near a bare flame. Certain probes are designed to be left inside an oven or a grill, but the thermometer housing itself (where electronic components are kept) must generally be kept outside and should not be brought closer heat only for short periods. When you check the temperatures above a grill or fire, make sure that the thermometer body is not too hot.

Why is my chicken still bleeding when my thermometer indicates that it is cooked?


This is because the bone marrow in the chicken bones can release blood during cooking. If the chicken has reached at least 71 ° C for five minutes or more, it is well cooked.

What are the main food safety temperatures?


The UK Food Agency publishes temperature directives for the preservation and cooking of food. You can use your thermometer to check the temperatures and minimize food diseases in your kitchen. Bacteria develop between 4.5 ° C and 60 ° C. Food should not be kept between these temperatures for long periods. Certain remains of food should be reheated at minimum temperatures to ensure a sufficient "destruction rate" of bacteria or parasites.

Retains hot food at 63 ° C or more
Retains cold foods at less than 8 ° C
Refrigerator temperature 4.5 ° C or less
Freezer temperature 18 ° C to -23 ° C

How to make a precise reading of liquids?


The best way to take a precise reading of the liquids is first of all to stir the liquid. Then stir the thermometer probe through the liquid, observing the temperature change as it moves.

FAQ on thermometry

How do I know if my food is perfectly cooked?


It may seem obvious, but a thermometer is just a tool that gives you information about the temperature of the food you prepare. You must make decisions when to increase or decrease heat and when things are cooked according to the information that the thermometer gives. In most cases, you are looking for the highest temperature reached in the thickest part of the food to assess if the food is cooked.

Where should I place the point of the probe to see if it is cooked?


When you check if your meat is cooked, the center of the thickest part will be the coldest. With larger foods, you can quickly take readings with your thermometer in several places to check that the whole portion is cooked. If you cool a food, the center of the thickest part will be the last to cool.

Keep in mind that different types of thermometers have sensors of different sizes. A dial thermometer can have a sensor of a size of 2.5cm long and your reading will be an average of the temperature of all the different materials affecting this sensor. Most digital thermometers have small sensors at their point. Enter the food you check with the probe and place the point of the probe where you want to measure.

How often should I calibrate my thermometer?


While adjustments are sometimes necessary, “calibrate” a thermometer simply means testing its precision against a verifiable standard. If the thermometer is in the precision specification indicated by the manufacturer or the quality control agency, no adjustment should be made.

Regarding the recommended frequency, there is a very wide range. Mechanical thermometers and dial thermometers should be calibrated very regularly, while digital thermometers are often only calibrated once a year. Check the recommendation indicated for your thermometer type and model or check with the appropriate health department or the quality control agency having authority on your operation.

Why can't my thermometer stabilize at a final temperature in food?


Mainly, because the food temperature continues to change during cooking, and your digital thermometer is precise enough to see it. Thermometers will only "lock" a given reading if they have a "hold" function designed for this.

What is an IP index?


An additional characteristic common to electronic thermometers, in particular electronic cooking thermometers, is a sealing index in splash or water.

The International Electrical Engineer (CEI) created a standard to assess the instruments according to their ability to protect their electronic components from corrosion by water or dust. The International Protection Rating Code (or IP index) is made up of "IP" letters followed by two figures.

The first figure tells you to what extent the electronic components of an instrument are protected against the penetration of solids (such as dust) and the second figure tells you how they resist liquids.

If, for example, a thermometer had an IP65 protection index, it would mean that it was tested and found completely protected against dust as well as against low pressure liquid jets from all sides, but not protected against the 'Immersion or an accidental fall in the soup.

Why does my thermometer indicate a temperature above 0 ° C when placed in ice water?


Probably because the temperature is higher than the ice point unless you take the time to create a correctly made ice bath.

If the thermometer is actually outside its published precision specifications, adjust accordingly or contact our after-sales service: info@thermometre.fr, 02 14 13 00 00.

Why can't I turn on my thermometer?


Check the battery compartment. Many thermometers include a small metal clip that keeps the batteries in place. Even if the batteries are in place, if they are not under this small clip, the thermometer will not light up. If the clip is in place and the thermometer still does not light up, contact the after-sales service to obtain advice (info@thermometre.fr, 02 14 13 00).

My new thermometer displays a different reading from my old, why?


Most likely, because your old thermometer is not as precise as your new digital thermometer. Test the two thermometers in an ice bath properly prepared to check and adjust accordingly or contact our after-sales service: info@thermometre.fr, 02 14 13 00 00.

How often should I clean my thermometer?


You must wipe the probe with cleaning wipes or soap each time it comes into contact with raw meat, and you must wipe the whole housing of the thermometer after each use, taking care not to wet it. Never place the housing of your digital thermometer near the water, unless it has an IP index of 66 or more. Warning - Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and other solvents can damage the case and screen of this instrument.

Will atmospheric pressure affect the reading of boiling water temperature?


The boiling point of the water depends directly on the pressure (atmospheric). It is a physical property. Water ends at 100 ° C only if it is pure (demineralized) and under an atmospheric pressure of 1013.25 HPA.

Thus, at high altitude or in bad weather or low pressure, you may think that the instrument indicates a bad temperature.

For example, at low pressure at atmospheric at 990 HPA, water ends at 99.3 ° C and at a higher atmospheric pressure at 1,040 HPA, water ends at 100.7 ° C.

FAQ infrared

Why use an infrared thermometer?


The infrared thermometers are very fast, generally giving a reading in a fraction of a second, the time required for the thermometer processor to carry out its calculations.

Their speed and relative ease of use have made invaluable public safety tools in the catering industry, manufacturing, CVC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), asphalt and concrete, laboratories and countless other industrial applications.

The infrared thermometers are ideal for taking surface temperature measurements remotely. They provide relatively precise temperatures without ever having to touch the object you measure.

This can be useful when it is not practical to insert a probe into the element to be measured, or if the surface is simply out of reach and that a surface probe will not do the trick. You can use an infrared thermometer to measure objects:

  • Fragile (computer circuits)
  • Dangerous (gears, molten metal)
  • Impenetrable (frozen food)
  • Susceptible to contamination (food, saline solution)
  • Displacement (transporter band, living organisms)
  • Out of reach (air conditioning conduits, eardrums)

What types of lasers are used in infrared products?


All infrared thermometers, equipped with laser pointers, comply with the BS EN 60825-1: 2014: - Laser products: - Laser products:

Part 1. Classification and requirements of the equipment: - Class 2. The base of this harmonized EU standard is that the laser must be powerful enough to blink, but not powerful enough to damage the tissues.

This avoids damage to the eye, unless someone deliberately fixes laser light for a long time, causing injuries. In other words, for the general public laser products in general, there is a requirement according to which, by using technical means (that is to say technical controls), lasers must not cause damage to the eyes or Skin under normal and reasonably predictable conditions of use, including momentary, accidental or involuntary exposure.

In addition, no laser should be projected in the eyes of anyone, it can be very annoying and lead to a serious incident. We strongly recommend using laser only to help target the measured area, indicating the optical report of the instrument.

How to turn on the laser on an infrared thermometer?


This will depend on the model or type of your infrared thermometer. Read the user manual provided with your infrared thermometer to find out more about the full range of features it offers and how to use them.

How to clean an infrared thermometer?


For more precision, an infrared thermometer must be exempt from dirt, dust, humidity, fog, smoke and debris. Always take the time to clean your infrared thermometer after exposure to a dirty, dusty, smoky or humid environment. You should also provide regular cleaning. Particular care must be taken to keep the infrared lens or the clean and exempt from debris.

To clean your infrared thermometer:

1. Use a soft cloth or cotton swab with water or medical alcohol.
2. Watch the lens first carefully, then the thermometer body.
3. Let the lens dry completely before using the thermometer.
4. Never immerse any part of the thermometer in the water.

Can I calibrate my infrared thermometer?


The infrared thermometers can be calibrated for more precision, as are the other thermometers.

In calibration laboratories such as the UKAS certified calibration laboratory, technicians use industrial black bodies to calibrate infrared thermometers.

However, if neither an industrial black body nor a comparison cup is available, you can make a quick calibration using a correctly prepared ice bath.

What are infrared thermometers in catering?


Food -based bacteria generally land first on the surface of food. Infrared thermometers can therefore be useful to punctually check food storage temperatures on plates, service areas, buffets and heated trays.

But infrared thermometers only measure surface temperatures and are therefore not very effective in measuring the quality of food cooking. Use traditional probe thermometers for this. Critical temperatures for food safety, between 5 ° C and 60 ° C, must always be checked with an internal probe.

Fortunately, there are three ideal infrared thermometers for this. THE Raytemp 8 And Raytemp 38 Apply with removable K -type probes, while the thermometer Thermapen ir has an integrated foldable probe to allow internal temperature measurements.

Can I check if the foods are properly cooked with an infrared thermometer?


The infrared thermometers only measure the surface temperatures, so they are not very effective in checking if the food is properly cooked. Use traditional probe thermometers for this.

If you use an infrared thermometer with liquids such as soups and sauces, make sure you stir vigorously before taking a measure to better get closer to the internal temperature of the liquid. Know that the vapor, even when a liquid does not end, can be condensed on your thermometer and affect the accuracy of your measurements.

Can I check the grilled temperatures with an infrared thermometer?


Directing an infrared thermometer to a porous surface like a grill or a grid will take into account the surface temperature of all visible surfaces through the holes of the grill or the grid when calculating a final temperature for your reading.

To accurately measure the temperature of a porous grid or grill, place a solid surface like an iron plate or a pan on the grill, let it reach the temperature and measure the plate or the pan. Then spray a little cooking oil on the plate or the pan to ensure good emissivity.

What batteries should I use for infrared thermometers?


Our range of infrared thermometers requires different batteries and have various lifetime.

You will find below a list for each:

1. Infrared thermometer Mini Raytemp - Battery type: alkaline pp3 9 volts. Battery life: 80 hours of continuous use.

2. Thermometer pocket - Battery type: 2 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 20 hours of continuous use.

3. High precision infrared thermometer Raytemp 2 - Battery type: 3 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 5000 hours of continuous use. Infrared thermometer Raytemp 2 Plus with 360 ° automatic rotary display display - Battery type: 3 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 5,000 hours continuously.

5. Infrared thermometer Blue Raytemp - Battery type: 3 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 3000 hours.

6. Thermometer IR RAYTEMP HSE - Battery type: 3 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 100 hours with backlight, 300 hours without backlight.

7. Infrared thermometer Raytemp 3 - Battery type: 2 x 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 140 hours of continuous use.

8. Infrared thermometer Raytemp 8 with socket thermocouple Type K, Raytemp 38 infrared thermometer and infrared thermometer kit - Battery type: 2 x alkaline AAA. Battery life: 180 hours of continuous use.

9. Infrared thermometer Thermapen ir And Thermapen IR with air probe - Battery type: 2 batteries Lithium button CR2032 of 3 volts - battery life: 1000 hours of continuous use.

10. Contactless front thermometer - Type of battery: 2 x AAA alkaline (supplied). Battery life: 3000 hours (automatic stop after 60 seconds).

What does the size of the spot mean, the spot ratio and the distance/target ratio?


The "point size" of any measure is controlled by two variables:

1. The "distance/target ratio" or "spot report" of your infrared thermometer.
2. The distance between your infrared thermometer and the target.

Usually indicated on the thermometer itself, the "distance/target ratio" (DTR) or "Spot ratio" indicates the diameter of the surface "circle" that an infrared thermometer will measure at a given distance.

For example, an infrared thermometer with a 12: 1 ratio will measure the temperature of a surface circle 1cm in diameter at 12cm away, a surface circle 2cm in diameter at 24cm away, and so on .

What is emissivity?


"Esstyivity" is a measure of the relative capacity of a material to emit radiated energy. It is measured on a scale ranging from just over 0.00 to a little below 1.00.

The emissivity depends on factors such as temperature, emission angle and wavelength. Generally, the more the emissivity of a material is close to 1.00, the more this material tends to absorb reflected or ambient infrared energy and to emit its own infrared radiation. Most organic matter, including plants and animals, have an emissivity index of 0.95.

Check your infrared thermometer to see if it has adjustable emissivity settings.

What to do when the emissivity is low?


Use a patch to obtain a precise measurement. Another way to obtain a precise temperature measurement on a low emissivity material is to cover it with a high emissivity object and let it reach the temperature.

For example, a polished metal pan can be covered with a thin layer of cooking oil with an emissivity index of 0.95. Make sure you allow time for cooking oil to reach the temperature before taking your measurement. But once they are at the same temperature, the highly emissive cooking oil makes it easier to verify the temperature of the pan.

The temperature of other metals can be measured with more precision by spraying a black paint stain or by applying a few pieces of black insulating tape and letting it reach the temperature - the two have an emissivity index of 0.95 . However, when you use this method, make sure that the field of vision of your measurement does not extend beyond the blackened point, otherwise your reading will be distorted by the surrounding metal.

It is also a great way to get a reading on a non -organic surface with an infrared thermometer with fixed emissivity.

What is fixed emissivity on an infrared thermometer?


Fixed emissivity is an adjustment on certain infrared thermometers, generally 0.95 or 0.97, which tries to simplify their operation while leaving them suitable for most hardware surfaces, including almost all foods. Other infrared thermometers have adjustable emissivity parameters, which allows you to prepare your infrared thermometers more precisely with the measured surface type, in particular when measuring non -organic surfaces.

Fixed emissivity infrared thermometers:

Adjustable emissivity infrared thermometers:

I get strange results on brilliant metals, why?


Highly polite metals generally have very low clues of emissivity, as they tend to think a lot of ambient infrared energy and to emit their own electromagnetic waves less effectively. If you point to a fixed emissivity infrared thermometer to a stainless steel pan filled with boiling water, you could obtain a reading closer to 38 ° C than 100 ° C. Indeed, the shiny metal better reflects the ambient radiation of the room that it emits its own infrared radiation.

Some infrared thermometers have fixed emissivity settings (generally 0.95 or 0.97) to simplify their operation while leaving them adapted to most hardware surfaces, including almost all foods.

Other infrared thermometers have adjustable emissivity parameters, which allows you to prepare your thermometer more precisely with the measured surface type, in particular when measuring non -organic surfaces.

Can infrared thermometers operate through glass or transparent plastic?


An infrared thermometer does not measure the temperature with precision through glass, liquids or other transparent surfaces, even if the visible light (like a laser) crosses them. If you point to an infrared thermometer to a subject through a closed window, you will measure the surface temperature of the window itself, not the object you are targeting.

Can an infrared thermometer measure the water temperature?


No. As in the above answer and for the same reasons, an infrared thermometer will only measure the surface temperature of the water, not the temperature of the object.

How to use an infrared thermometer with liquids?


If you use an infrared thermometer with liquids like soups and sauces, pull a ladle full of liquid from the bottom of the pan before taking a measure to better compare the internal temperature. To measure semi-solid materials such as stuffing, corn or potato puree, insert a spoon in the center of the material, pulling it back to create a vacuum and point your infrared thermometer in the void .

How to use infrared thermometers in a refrigerator or freezer?


The infrared thermometers used to measure temperatures inside a refrigerator or freezer must generally be stored inside the refrigerator or freezer so that they are ready to start when you have them need. To measure the contents of the frozen pallets, be sure to open the palette, to remove at least one box and point your thermometer up of one of the central boxes to make sure that your reading reflects the temperature of the frozen material Inside the palette and not just the surfaces exposed to warmer air.

Thermapen FAQ

What distinguishes thermapen from other food thermometers?


The thermapen is the fastest, most precise and sensitive thermometer on the market. Each thermapen is provided with a calibration certificate, certifying that it has been manually calibrated in a laboratory compared to a precision thermometer and that it turned out to be precise at 0 ° C (ice point) and 100 ° C (boiling point).

This calibration certificate is traceable, via an international agreement, to all the main national standards, including Ukas and NIST.

    What makes the thermapen so fast compared to other thermometers?


    The incredible speed of thermometers Thermapen is the result of high quality equipment and rigorous manufacturing process. Plus the thread of thermocouple is close to the base of the probe, the faster the answer. The wires are put on hand and then speed tests are carried out to check that they meet their specifications. All the probes that are out of reach must be completely redone.

    Will my Thermapen work with an induction stove?


    Most of our digital thermometers will be affected by the electromagnetic force (electromagnetic field) generated by the hob and various studies have been carried out on the inherent dangers for humans located near active surfaces.

    Manufacturers recommend not using metal spoons. We fear that any metal present in the design of a probe is affected and therefore produces errors.
    At this stage, we recommend saving the results by heating pots, subtracting them from the influence of the hob and quickly by testing. We have understood that a quick cooling would reduce the temperature results, we also suggest an infrared thermometer such as the IR-Pocket thermometer (814-060) which has adjustable emissivity or perhaps a mineral insulation probe.

    How to clean the body of my thermapen?


    Although thermapen one are waterproof and can survive a short-lived immersion, they cannot be put in the dishwasher. The safest and most hygienic way to clean the body of your Thermapen is to use wipes antibacterial or cleaning spray.

    What to do if the temperature display fluctuates?


    The temperature of the food is very dynamic, especially during cooking, and the thermapen is fast and precise enough to show tiny temperature changes as they occur.

    The point of the thermapen probe can be pushed through food, helping you find the coldest part of the center and can show temperature differences from one place to another (different parts of an entire turkey can differ up to 11 ° C).

    Although the thermapen can take a few seconds to go from room temperature (room temperature) to the temperature of a food or a liquid, once its micro-thermocouple has refined the current temperature, it is very quick to detect And to display the changes (the display is updated every half second).

    Sometimes people think that the cooking thermometers should be like a rapidly or a quick pistol and lock on the temperature once it is detected, but rest assured, if the thermapen figures change is that Food temperature changes!

    Of course, these minor modifications can be masked by modifying the display resolution of the thermapen from the tenths to whole numbers.

    How to customize the thermapen settings?


    You can customize your thermapen by modifying the default factory settings, in particular:

    Change display units from ° C to ° F,
    Change the display resolution from 0.1 ° to 1 ° and deactivate the automatic stop function.

    What battery should I use for my thermapen?


    We offer a range of thermals and some require different batteries and have various lifes of life. You will find below a list for each:

    1. Professional Thermapen thermometer - Battery type: 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 3,000 hours.

    2. Thermapen surface, thermapen air, thermapen classic, thermapen classic with powerful probe, thermometer thermapen under vacuum and thermapen burger - battery type: 2 batteries with 3 volt CR2032 button. Battery life: 1,500 hours.

    3. Thermal thermometer under vacuum and thermapen reference - Type of battery: 2 batteries Lithium button CR2032 of 3 volts. Battery life: 1000 hours of continuous use.

    4. Thermapen One- Battery type: 1.5 volts AAA. Battery life: 2000 hours (without backlighting), 100 hours of backlight on time

    5. Wireless thermomemometer Blue - Battery type: 1.5 volt AAA. Battery life: 1,000 hours.

    How to change the battery of my Thermapen One?

    • Thermapen one - 1 x aaa

    A low battery symbol will appear when the battery must be replaced. Under these conditions, the backlight is set to a low level to save the battery. The instrument continues to measure with precision but we recommend changing the battery as soon as possible.

    To replace the battery, loosen the battery cover screw using a Pozi screwdriver (PZ1) to remove the battery cover. Replace it with a single AAA battery by noting the polarity. Tighten the battery cover screw until the battery cover is well adjusted on the seal. Do not tighten too much.

    If you encounter problems to replace the batteries, simply contact us via our online contact form and a dedicated team member will contact you to help you.

    How to change the battery of my Thermapen Classic?

    • Thermapen Classic - 2 battery Lithium button CR2032 of 3 volts

    A battery symbol indicates that the batteries will have to be replaced. The instrument continues to measure with precision but we recommend changing the batteries as soon as possible.

    To replace the batteries, remove the battery cover using a coin. Remove the batteries by pulling the battery restraint clip while holding the device upside down. Replace the two batteries, positive side up, replace the lid.

    If you encounter problems to replace the batteries, simply contact us via our online contact form and a dedicated team member will contact you to help you.

    I saw cheaper thermometers, why pay more for a thermapen?


    Cheaper thermometers are limited by the technology they use. These can be produced en masse for a few cents at only a few euros. On the other hand, the thermapen is assembled and handed by hand in the United Kingdom and uses a professional thermocouple circuit design. This design and quality cost more to manufacture than cheaper and less efficient thermometers.

    FAQ on the thermometer probe

    How to avoid damaging your probe?

    • Use the probe only for semi-solid liquids and foods.
    • Do not "stab" food, a prudent insertion will enter most foods.
    • Do not lift heavy foods with the point of the probe.
    • Do not hit the bones with the point of the probe.
    • Do not use the probe as an ice cream.
    • The stem and the point of the probe should not be folded.
    • For frozen foods, place the tip of the probe between two frozen packages or use a drill to make a hole in the food before placing the tip of the probe in the hole.
    • Do not create a hole with the point of the probe.
    • Do not use the probe to lift or pierce non -food objects.
    • Do not expose the point of the probe to flames or temperatures exceeding the temperature limit of the probe.
    • Do not expose the handle to high temperatures.
    • Do not curb the cable too tight around the handle.
    • Avoid excessive heat that could melt the cable.
    • Avoid excessive tension, crimp or cable stretching.
    • Do not lift the instrument by the probe or the cable.
    • Keep the probe connector and the instrument clean and dry.
    • When you connect the probe to the device, avoid folding the pins.
    • Do not immerse the probe handle in a liquid (except waterproof probes).
    • Damage is not covered by the probe guarantee.

      How to clean the probe?


      Use Probe wipes To clean the probe after each food measure to avoid cross contamination, wiping both the handle and the cable.
      Other safe cleaning solutions for food can be used with paper napkins Instead of wipes for probe.

      How to get specific results?


      The temperature of the food is very dynamic, especially during cooking. For hot foods, search for the coldest part of the food by placing the point of the probe on the thickest part of the food. For cold foods, find the hottest part of food. For the most precise measures, avoid the sides of any container.

      Sometimes people think that the cooking thermometers should be like a rapidly or a quick pistol and lock on the temperature once it is detected, but rest assured, if the figures change is that the temperature Foods are still changing.

      How to avoid damage?


      Temperature probes are precision measuring devices. At the forefront of the probe is an electronic sensor connected by wires passing through the tube of the probe. With appropriate care, this probe will last for a long time and will provide precise measurements.

      • Do not "stab" food, a prudent insertion will enter most foods.
      • Avoid hitting the bones with the point of the probe
      • The stem and the point of the probe should not be folded
      • Do not lift heavy foods with the point of the probe.
      • Do not use the probe as an ice cream
      • For frozen foods, place the tip of the probe between two frozen packages or use a drill to make a hole in the food before placing the tip of the probe in the hole. Do not create a hole with the point of the probe
      • Do not use the probe to lift or pierce non -food objects.
      • Do not expose the point of the probe to flames or temperatures exceeding the temperature limit of the probe.
      • Do not expose the handle to high temperatures
      • Do not curb the cable too tight around the handle.
      • Avoid excessive heat that could melt the cable.
      • Avoid excessive tension, crimp or cable stretching.
      • Do not lift the instrument by the probe or the cable.
      • Keep the probe connector and the instrument clean and dry.
      • When you connect the probe to the device, avoid folding the pins.
      • Do not immerse the probe handle in a liquid (except waterproof probes).
      • Damage is not covered by the probe warranty

      FAQ on data recorder

      Where can I find the latest software for my data recorder?


      Each data recorder is delivered with its own software. You can download the software when you visit the product item page.

        Why does my RF Logger base station seem to go out after a few days?


        This may be due to Windows, USB Selective Suspend, which activates and cuts the USB port of the base station.

        1. Open the power settings on your computer.

        2. Click on "Change the package settings".

        3. Choose "Modify advanced power settings".

        My data recorder is delivered without a printed user manual, why?


        Thermometre.fr cares about the environment. Consequently, all of our recording systems are not delivered with a printed copy of the user manual, which waste resources, but it is included on the installation CD of the software supplied with your data recorder. It can also be downloaded directly from individual products from this website by visiting the appropriate recorder page, then clicking on the Download tab.

        How can I differentiate several recorders in my data?


        One of the key parameters of your recorders is to give each unit a name to differentiate it from other units of the same network. Most people use either a number, or a location or type of material measured to name their recorders (that is to say "logger1", "upper_freez" or "raw_fish").

        How to download my data recorder data to my computer?


        Some of our data recorders have integrated cable connectors or a wireless capacity that can connect directly to your computer, others require the purchase of a separate data holder or station station which connects directly to your computer via your USB port.

        My data recorder does not work, why?


        The most common problem when putting your recorder into service is the loading of the appropriate drivers. This can generally be verified by consulting the system peripheral manager on your PC.

        Another current problem is the failure of installing the required software and recording each recording unit before installing them. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact our after-sales service: info@thermometre.fr, 02 14 13 00.

        Does my data recorder require configuration before use?


        Yes. Some of our data recorders are delivered with predefined default parameters and are ready to use, but others will only work once configured by selecting the parameters directly on the registration unit or using an assistant Computer controlled and recording each of them. unit with control software. Even units with predefined default values ​​must be personalized according to your specific needs (high and low alarms, frequency of measurements, etc.) before use.

        FAQ on manometers

        What is a manometer?


        A pressure gauge, also known as the pressure meter or pressure gauge, is a portable device that measures the pressure of a gas or a liquid in a system.

        You can buy analog or digital manometer, although digital options are often preferred because of their flexibility, reliability and wide range of units. Manometers often measure either absolute pressure, gauge pressure or differential pressure or a combination of the three.

          What is a pressure gauge for?


          Manometers are most often used by CVC professionals to identify problems such as leaks in the pipes of the heating system. Some specific applications include:

          • Smoke draw measurement
          • Gas pressure in heating devices
          • Air conditioning conduits
          • Monitoring of the differential pressure of filters
          • Speed ​​measurement with a pitot tube.

          How to use a pressure gauge?


          Digital manufacturers generally work by connecting the device to the system you measure using a pipe. Simply program the device to display the readings in the desired unit, connect the pipe and perform the required test. The pressure gauge screen will display the pressure in the chosen unit.

          What is the difference between absolute, relative and differential pressure?


          It is important, when taking pressure measurements, clearly knowing what measure to use: absolute, relative or differential. Everyone is suitable for different applications.

          Absolute pressure

          Containers that contain neither molecules, nor material, nor atmospheric pressure, such as vacuum, have zero pressure. Absolute pressure is when the pressure is measured on a scale that uses this zero as a reference point.

          Absolute pressure readings are ideal for applications where they are not influenced by atmospheric pressure changes, such as completely sealed and non -flexible containers.

          Manometric pressure

          Manometric pressure uses current atmospheric pressure as a reference point instead of zero. A relative pressure reading is a reading of absolute pressure less atmospheric pressure of the space/container that you measure.

          Manometric pressure readings are ideal for applications influenced by atmospheric pressure changes, such as an open container.

          Differential pressure

          Differential pressure is used when the reading and reference values ​​are variable. It is calculated by subtracting one of these values ​​from the other. For example, if you measure the gas flow along a pipeline and the pressure is 20 psi at one end and 50 psi to the other, the differential pressure is 30 psi.

          Differential pressure readings are ideal for applications where users need to know the pressure difference between two places.

          FAQ on pH instruments

          Where can we use the pH-Mmers?


          PH-Mmers can be used in many areas, for example:

          • Food production
          • Water quality
          • Processing industry
          • Laboratories
          • Fish farm
          • Aquariums
          • Agriculture

            How do PH-Miers work?


            The Ph-Mmers work by measuring tiny particles, called ions, with two glass electrodes, one of which has a permeable junction. This permeable junction allows a small amount of gel solution to pass through to complete a liquid bridge. If this junction dries, the liquid bridge cannot form and the instrument will not work with precision. Therefore, unlike most instruments, glass electrodes should be kept damp with a storage liquid so that the junction is not blocked.

            The pH meter has a limited lifespan due to the gradual aging of the sensor and will only last about 360 readings (or one year for a reading per day).

            How to maintain a pH instrument?


            If you don't take care of your pH meter, incorrect pH levels can occur. At least, you should always wash the pH electrode (the measurement part of the instrument) with clean water. Do not touch the pH electrode unless you use a wet handkerchief or cloth for cleaning and only with extreme caution.

            When it is not used, make sure that the ph-meter electrode is kept wet in a storage solution or a PH 4 solution. If the sensor dries completely, the instrument performance will be affected and its Invalidated guarantee.

            If an electrode has dried or slow to react, it can be rejuvenated by soaking it overnight in a storage solution. After a night of soaking, rinse the electrode then dip it in a 4 pH buffer solution before rinsing the electrode one last time. The electrode should then be ready to use.

            How often should I calibrate my pH tester or device?


            Depending on the precision sought, once a day if several measures are necessary during the day; Or at least once a week if you use 2 or 3 times a week.

            What do I need to calibrate my PH instrument?


            To guarantee precise measurements, it is necessary to regularly calm the PH-Mmers. To do this, you will need PH buffer solutions. These standard and inexpensive solutions make it possible to verify that reading the pH is correct.

            If this is not the case, this can be easily corrected by following the procedure corresponding to the specific instrument. In general, pH electrodes have a limited lifespan, which depends on the frequency of use.

            Why does the pH tester or measurement device give a stable reading for a while?


            The electrode was dry or poorly conditioned. The reference junction may be obstructed. Remedy: Pre-tension the electrode for 1 hour in tap water before use.

            How long does a pH tester last?


            All PH glass electrodes will age with time and temperature. Most glass electrodes have a shelf life of about 1 year. A lifespan of around 3 to 6 months for frequent/continuous use.

            What other problems are associated with PH measurement?


            The temperature is important because the properties of the liquid are affected. Therefore, a correct temperature of 25 ° C for buffer solutions must be maintained during calibration. However, a correction of the values ​​can be carried out if the temperature of the solution is known, by comparison with the table below. Different temperatures of test samples will give incoherent results.

            Why does the pH tester or the measurement device displays 1 or does it dispose an irregular reading when switching on?


            When the electrode is kept in the air and not plunged or in contact with a solution, it will display erratic readings. Indeed, the benchmark and the glass electrode are in close contact, the electronics cannot therefore display a fixed reading. Dip the electrode in any solution and a reading will appear.

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